Chris - i tried sketching at home but me and pencils don't seem to be getting on too well so i did this on the wacom at work. Not sure why i prefer towork this way, but alot of it comes down to having more control. Started off as some wild crazy dude, but the more i drew him the less the features fit. so he became some kind of nomadic traveller dude. would like to have done some kind of tribal designs but decided to just post instead. on to the next one!

Chris Y- I liked that little long eared guy so I did some stuff around him. Im still not overly happy with my drawing style, im trying for a scratchy loose messy feel with just the salient features and shadow areas picked out with bolder lines, but always seem to overwork. Anyway is getting better, ive just got some red leads for my clicky pencil which stay light no matter how much you work into them so that might help.
Looking forward to next weeks mission.

McQue - Hello all. Was quite taken with those groovy sea forts, so I thought I'd try a twist on that. Thinking I might go the whole hog and do a full scale colour job on this.
Howdy - Mission 1 got the uncanny sketchmen back together and confirmed that their pencils still work. The next mission looks to keep those pencils scribbling with a new collection of reference images - sticking again to black n white, which stops us worrying about more finished pieces of work - it's all about the sketching of ideas. Here's the board, results to follow soon....